Web Technology and Consulting From a Business Point Of View

Posts tagged ‘mobile’

Successful Internet Marketing

Today, people judge your product or service by your website more than any other medium. Consequently, internet marketing has become critical to a successful business or organization. But it takes more than just a website and a Facebook page.

Effective internet marketing is a continuous circle of activity that effectively delivers your message, sets you apart from your competition and draws in customers, members, patients or donors.

First, a compelling website tells visitors what you can do for them. It must be easy to use and include a smartphone version.

Second, search engine optimization ensures your site is read and indexed by Google, Yahoo and Bing.
This requires keyword rich content, correct programming and back links from other websites.

Third, search Marketing to attract visitors with an interesting blog, news style articles, press releases, social media like Facebook & Twitter that link back to your site

Fourth, Youtube marketing with interesting videos that people in your market with watch and share. Properly done, you can earn money from ads placed on your Youtube channel.

Fifth and very important, visitor analytics to understand how people are finding your site and which pages people are viewing.

Six, make adjustments and keep the circle going.

If you’re struggling with any aspect of marketing your company or services on the web, we can help. Call or email us and we’ll send you a free evaluation of your market and competitors.

Cell Phones and Other Dangerous Devices

In this world of smart phones and tablets, we are connected to the world around us in an unpresidented way, but at what cost? We have become so addicted to being connected we are putting our lives at risk. This is an interesting article about a close look at distracted driving, no surprise, cell phones, texting and current technology is to blame for a great deal of distracted driving, but what else is pulling our attention away from the road?

Be safe and smart out there!

Coppermoon is a full service Web Design & SEM firm which hopes to help businesses compete in this digital age. Follow them on twitter or facebook for updates.  

Google Revamps Mobile Search App

Google has retooled its free iPhone app with a new name, a streamlined look and feel, and an easier way to narrow your search results, helping the mobile app work more like the Web site. With its name changed from Google Mobile App to simply Google Search, the revised app launched yesterday for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad.

Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-20043743-93.html#ixzz1GmG4eakZ

If you need help being found on those mobile searches let us know coppermoonwebdesign.com

Tablet Wars: Honeycomb vs iPad

Could Google’s Android based OS for tablets, Honeycomb conquer the mighty iPad? PC World talks about the matchup between the giants Apple and Google.




The Future of Mobile Search and SEO

There’s no doubt that mobile and, by extension, local search is hot. Technology pundits have been declaring every year since 2005 “The Year of Mobile” – that magical moment when everyone suddenly starts using their mobile device for more than just playing games, texting, calling friends, checking email, downloading/using apps and occasionally browsing the web and… I don’t know… browses the web more? Read more about the future of Mobile Searching and SEO.

Need help being found on mobile searches, or just with SEO in general? Let us help you, coppermoonwebdesign.com



iPhone for Verizon?

After a 4 year run exclusively on the AT&T network Apple’s iPhone’s will be available on Verizon next month. Verizon will start selling the iPhone 4 next month starting at around $200. So what does this change mean for consumers? Will there be any significant impact to the iPhone on this different network? Read more about the switch to new networks and how it will affect the iPhone.

Need help making your business smartphone accessable? Go to coppermoonwebdesign.com



iPhone alarm-gate: National crisis or non story

Lindsay Garvey of Somerville, MA did not have a Happy New Year.  She showed up late to her restaurant job and was fired.  She blames Steve Jobs.  iPhone Alarm Glitch: How It Cost Me My Job

If you own an iPhone you’re well aware of the problems with the alarm clock function.  On New Year’s Day a bug in the iPhone OS caused the alarm function to fail associated with the year change to 2011.

Apple hasn’t said much, but user forums and competitors are abuzz. One satirist, commenting on  the lack of response from Apple, posted his own fix on the Los Angeles Times website: After days of mounting frustration from iPhone owners, Apple chief Steve Jobs today finally announced a fix for the phone’s annoying alarm glitch. “Until further notice,” Mr. Jobs said, “all iPhone users should go to sleep with someone who owns a Droid.”

Why so much attention to an alarm clock? First, so many of us now us our mobile phone for our wake up call vs traditional alarm clocks or clock radios.  Second, iPhone users expect perfection and failure from Steve Jobs and his mob is unacceptable.

We have become dependent on technology is virtually (pun intended) all aspects of our  lives.  All indications are that dependence continues to deepen.  Do we expect too much?  Has technology failure caused you inconvenience or worse?  Maybe a $5 alarm clock should be included with every smart phone… just in case.


Mobile Google Searches up 130%

How many people use their phone just to make phone calls? One would have said in previous years that texting had replaced making phone calls, but it seems that we are doing even more with our phones this year. In 3rd quarter 2010, Google showed that mobile searches were up 130% year over year.

Consumers are using their phones for everything now, from business and email, to product searching and locating businesses. Mobile sites and ads are becoming an undeniable way for business to connect with potential customers.

Google is also bringing seller ratings to its mobile format this allows customers to see at a glance how a merchant is rated. Within Google ads on Google mobile, the sellers rating (on a five star basis) will be visible to consumers. The grades are based on aggregate scores taken from merchant review sites all over the web. It will only reflect when an online store has 30 or more reviews, and currently only displays sellers with four stars or better.

Smart phones and other mobile devices that connect to the internet have made it much simpler for customers to find and deal with merchants. While sitting in an Applebee’s that they located on their smart phone, consumers can shop, review and decide what store to go to next or just purchase online. Having a mobile presence is essential in these times is essential.

Contact us to discuss your mobile strategy at coppermoonwebdesign.com

You can even find us on your smart phone!


Mobile Phones & Blogs Change American Politics… and Your Business

Mobile phones and blogs have turned American politics on its head.  Now, with thousands of people toting mobile devices that record video and audio, there is no such thing as ‘off the record’.  During the past five years many a politician has made a gaffe that has hurt or destroyed their career because it was recorded with a smartphone, then posted on blog and video sites. Thus bypassing the traditional media and upending the news gathering methods of the past.

Some politicians have figured out how to leverage these internet tools to their advantage.  President Obama perfected fund raising on line and built an army of supporters.  Sarah Palin has become Kingmaker of the Right because of Facebook and Twitter.  As the technology evolves, campaigns will use it to their advantage, or perish if they ignore it.

Consider Senator George Allen, R-VA.  In the summer of 2006, Senator Allen was running for re-election.  He was ahead in the polls and showed promise as a 2008 Presidential candidate.  While campaigning in Breaks, VA, he spotted an operative who worked for his political opponent, Jim Webb, with a video camera.  Senator Allen attempted to turn the crowd on the man by telling them he worked for the Webb campaign, then calling him ‘macaca’, a racial slur.  Unfortunately  for the Senator, the operative was recording.  The video went viral on Youtube and was picked up by other media outlets and blogs.  Quickly the bloggers labeled Senator Allen a racist, and the the label stuck.

The result? He lost his senate seat and his presidential hopes.  He’s now a footnote of how to lose ab election.  All because of a guy with a home video camera.We are at the beginning of the mobile device revolution.  A well known Morgan Stanley analyst predicts that in five years “more users will connect to the Internet over mobile devices than desktop PCs.”  This will affect how people find your business,  communicate with your and what they say about your products and services.  All  from their mobile phone. 

Do you have a strategy to deal with your customers, members, patients or donors on their mobile device?  If not, let us know and we can help.  info@coppermoonwebdesign.com