Web Technology and Consulting From a Business Point Of View

Posts tagged ‘web marketing’

Yahoo! Looks Good, on Paper at Least

Anyone who has been watching the search engines in the past few years know that Yahoo! is a bit of the red-headed stepchild. A bit archaic and not quite up to par with what many in the SEO community expect for search results. With their new CEO the hope is that things will turn around for them. Check out SearchEngineLand.com’s article about the potential changes coming to Yahoo!

Search Stay’s alive, at least on paper article.

Coppermoon is a full service Web Design & Technology firm which aims to help businesses compete in this digital age. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook for updates.

Search Traffic vs Referral Traffic from Google’s New Changes

The new changes to Google set to roll out next month may change how Google reports referrer information for Chrome browser users. This may result in how analytics programs list search visitors, the change may show as if they came directly from Google without doing a search. Most packages are expected to adapt to the changes eventually. Those using Google analytics have nothing to fear as they will be able to adjust their own program.

To read more about the changeon the Google Webmaster Central blog they go over the upcoming changes and what it means for you. If you aren’t sure what the difference is between Search Traffic vs Referral Traffic review this info:


Google Search Traffic vs Referral Traffic
In the above info you see that 76% of the traffic to this site was from search, users who did a search of keywords that brought up  this site. But Google Analytics doesn’t know the search terms used to get there  see the “not provided” which makes up 35% of all keywords in the lower chart. But it is still recognized that it was a search, so it is counted in the overall search total.

About 14% of traffic is from referrals, this is someone who clicked from another site onto this one.  Once the changes take affect Google Analytcs would count some of the search visits as if they were referal visits, the search traffic would begin to drop even though the search traffic may be increasing. This is information comes from Danny Sullivan’s blog from SearchEngineLand.com. If you want to read his full over view of the changes, Danny goes in depth about the changes and its inner workings. 

If you have questions about analytics contact Coppermoon at info@coppermoonwebdesign.com

Coppermoon is a full service Web Design & Technology firm which aims to help businesses compete in this digital age. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook for updates.

Did You Know…You Need Video

One of our clients asked us to help them with a video campaign. We created a half a dozen web videos that we posted on YouTube, Vimeo, MetaCafe and others. It has since been picked up byother blogs and pages. This all links back to their websites, helping in their Page Rank, but more importantly giving their potential customers another way to find them.

Remember that it’s more important to please your customers than the search engines (though by doing this it in turn pleases the search engines). We are a video driven society, we are much more likely to view a video than to read a blog post or content on a website. Help yourself out, do some video.

If you have questions on web design and video contact Coppermoon at info@coppermoonwebdesign.com

Coppermoon is a full service Web Design & Technology firm which aims to help businesses compete in this digital age. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook for updates.

Abuse of Power or Self Preservation?

According to Recording Industry Association of America’s(RIAA) CEO Cary Sherman, Google abused it’s power when it blacked out it’s logo January 18, 2012 and encouraged users tell congress not to censor the web.

Search Engine Watch recaps what Sherman says and what the reaction around the web was.

What do you think? Was it an abuse of power for Google to use the platform as they did?

Coppermoon is a full service Web Design & SEM firm which aims to help businesses compete in this digital age. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook for updates.

New Years Resolution, Be Found Online

Make your 2012 New Years Resolution to be found online! I don’t know if you’ve heard on social media and even the news information on how to opt-out of the phone book for eco-friendly reasons. This makes an interesting social statement, the phone book is out the web is in! The phone book used to be the place to be found. If you wanted to make yourself known to your potential customers you bought advertising space in a phone book, some people are still shelling out hundreds of dollars a year on this. Besides your grandpa, who was the last person to find a mortgage broker, lawyer or credit union in the phone book? Why would they when all they get in the phone book is the most basic ad as opposed to pages of info on a website?

If you aren’t utilizing a website, you should consider investing the money you would have put into print advertising into building and optimizing a website. You need to consider also not only should you have a website, but a mobile site as well as we have seen an increase in mobile usage. Help your customers find you, don’t lose out to competitors.

Wishing you a very safe and Happy New Year!
From Your Friends at Coppermoon Web Design

Coppermoon is a full service Web Design & SEM firm which aims to help businesses compete in this digital age. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook for updates.


The Evolution of Search

Google has released a new video about the evolution of search and where they came from, check it out!

Coppermoon is a full service Web Design & SEM firm which aims to help businesses compete in this digital age. Follow us on twitter or Facebook for updates

Coppermoon Launches Personal Brand Websites

In the business world there are a lot of professionals who rely on referrals and word of mouth marketing. The greatest success in this digital age for referrals is through the internet. But how is your presence on the internet? Do you have a presence, can people find you and see what you’re all about before they place their business with you?

Having a personal website is important as it sets you apart from the competition. Coppermoon has is launching personal websites, that can get you on the web and tie your web presence together. Check out our new site Coppermoon Personal Brand Websites and see if it would be a good fit for you and your business.

Coppermoon is a full service Web Design & SEM firm which aims to help businesses compete in this digital age. Follow us on twitter or Facebook for updates.

SEO is Not Spam, Says Google

For years SEO has been considered, by some, to be spam and finally Google has officially made it’s position clear. In this video from Google’s YouTube channel WebMasterHelp, Matt Cutts answers the question, “Does Google consider SEO to be spam?”

Yes, we all know that there is black hat SEO practices that do spam SERP’s (Search Engine Results Page). But Cutts addresses in this video the keys we all know; making pages crawlable, using the right keywords, speed, usability and design.

All of the items he hits on are important for SEO, but also address the user experience. I have been saying, along with many SEO experts out there since the algorithm change earlier this year, you have to keep the consumer in mind. Making the site user friendly is what Google is looking for, making it easy for the user, makes it easy for the robots, says Cutts.

Google’s goal, is and always has been to return the best possible search results that they can, and by doing SEO you are cooperating with the search engines in helping them find the best results for searchers. So for those who have said that SEO is spam and not worth your time or money, watch this video. Take his comments to heart and know Google does take SEO elements into consideration when getting people to your site, are you missing out?

Coppermoon is a full service Web Design & SEM firm which aims to help businesses compete in this digital age. Follow us on twitter or facebook for updates.

Prepare for the Tablet Shopper

Tablet users are now accounting for a majority of the online buying. Online retailers are finding that more shopping is being done from a tablet than from a traditional PC and the volume of a sale is in some cases 20% more than a user shopping from a traditional computer. These numbers are interesting considering that only 9% of online shoppers own tablets.

If you are an online merchant this information is gold; it gives you your next move. You need a mobile site! The website that users see from a computer isn’t as effective on a tablet. A mobile site that is functional and easy to navigate on a tablet will help you grab those sales from the online tablet shoppers.

If you don’t have a mobile site, we can help, CoppermoonWebDesign.com can help you build out your mobile site.

Coppermoon is a full service Web Design & SEM firm which aims to help businesses compete in this digital age. Follow us on twitter or facebook for updates.

Web Development for Your IT Support Customers

As I.T. Professionals you support your clients’ networks, servers and PCs, ensuring they all function properly and stay connected. It’s your job to watch out for the technology needs of your clients.

At Coppermoon we can help in this mission by offering you our services. Our internet marketing services include:

Website design, development and hosting
Mobile device site and app development
Search engine optimization
Search marketing with blogs, press releases, and social media
YouTube campaigns

Of course, we pay you a commission for each referral. A percentage of each and every project. We become the web development arm of YOUR organization! A partner you can trust to support your clients just as you would. We help tie your customers closer to you by providing additional services while you will make extra money.

Contact us today about working for you and your customers.

Coppermoon is a full service Web Design & SEM firm which aims to help businesses compete in this digital age. Follow us on twitter or facebook for updates.